Saturday, December 22, 2007

End of year review

Well, I made it through. this has been a totaling self absorbed year. I finished nearly half of my masters program and I am looking forward to the rest. I love this work! I know I agonized through all this and probalby turned everyone at work off with my lamenting but the results! I can't believe I really did it.Look out here I come. I'm trying new things next year as well.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

life after 23 things

I enjoy having a blog. I don't have any intense or significant sayings or insights but it is fun to see what will come up. Its nice to have time to reflect.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thoughts on 23 things

I had been looking forward to participating in this for some time. I had started on my own and was delighted when our library system offered it to us. I have looked at so many new ways to do things. Some were ways I had been looking to do and did not know how. Such as RSS feeds and widgets and documents online to colaborate with others on. I don't know how to keep up with most of these. I hope that there will be someone in the library system that can point out some new "things" just to keep us informed. I know I won't use all of them but some are highly useful.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Finally complete 23 things

I have resisted until the very end to download a book from the library webpage. I have downloaded music from itunes but not from the library.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I like springwidget but have not assimilated how I would use this technology. I want to keep track of it and remember where it is.


I listenend to a bit of audio from a pod cast. This would be anice addition to any website but I have no time at the present to listen to this. A podcast can make a good edition to a news item about a program. Let there be about a minute to listen to a poem by Nikki Giovanni for promoting the artist. I will have to make a suggestion about this.

WEB 2.0

Finally after looking for a few weeks I have found somethign on Web2.0 that I can use. here it is: This is useful on a blog. just what I was looking for. Now I have one more thing to find and I will be set for a new blog.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I'm not convinced this will work well for me but I am giving it a try. Tagging is not what I do well.

ZOHO Writer

This is just what I was looking for when I started my online classes. This year I will try it and see if it works better for me. Last year I used PBwiki and though it worked it was not quite what I wanted. Lets see how this goes.

Posting on the MD Wiki page

Here is my blog beign registered. Margie

Item 16 on 23 things

Here is something I can find a purpose for in my life as a librarian. I have tried to set up wiki once. Not much happened. I have set up two for my classes and those worked fine. So, for my own use these are not a effective as I would like.
I checked out a couple of wiki set up by organizations and those seem to be useful. I liked the wiki set up by librarians , one was by ALA a best practice wiki and another was the one set up by Oregon Library" Library 2.0". Those offer good ideas in how libraries can use wikis.
I also liked the Wetpaint wiki but my problem is coming up with names for these. My imagination does not go beyond the basic names. I will take some time to set this one up.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rollyo search on my blog

Powered by Rollyo


I tried to set up a rollyo but I don't actually know what I am doing. Can some one explain this to me. I made a search tool titled " craft choice" but I don't know how to use this and wher it needs to go in order for me to use this tool.
I would appreciate some help.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Schools back in session

... or almost. Any way , I've been anxious about starting back up to school. So anxious that I was starting to panic since I was not able to get online to find out about my classes. I sent an anxious email to my professors. Then just as soon as I checked my emails there was a notice about waiting until the day classes start to find out about times and other details. Well, I stressed out fo no reason. but I do have a hard time navigating through the webpage to find out what I need. I am getting better at it. I should be really good at it by next semester.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My librarything

I have had this set up for a while but this is the first time that I will write about it. I lke to use library thing so I can keep thrack of some of the books I have read. I like this better than a journal since I can access it from anywhere.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

RSS feed

I have been exploring RSS and finally set up a bloglines news reader account. I don't relly like it but I am experimenting with it to see if it will fit my needs. At the present it is just and additional place for me to go and look at; its not a part of my easy access links. I need to try something else. If someone can tell me how to use this I would appreciate it.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Technology update

I know this is not a "real" technology update but it is for me. I have finally been able to upload my meez and was able to link my flickr account with the library's. I had to upload my pictures from home and I know that my home computer is very slow. I was afraid that the pictures did not completely upload until I was able to log in to my account at the library. I still don't know how to upload pictures from an email.

Monday, July 23, 2007

End of Summer Term

This is my last week studying cataloging. I enjoyed the subject and start to ponder the future of cataloging along with the future of all the activities that we do in the library. I know this seems like a redundant statement but so much change is going on in the world of librarianship that I wonder what the future library will look like. It certainly will not be what I remember as a child or even as a young adult in college.
This week I read about RSS feeds and tried to set up an account. I have yet to see it come in my email and my free time is running out. I'll try again later.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

First full day at ALA

I arrived at the Convention center just in time for the 8 am session of Information in the world of digital natives, I could not even get near the door!! Well, so much for the first experience at ALA. So I went over to another intro of the ALA divisions. After that I went to the YALSA Celebrating excellence in audiobooks. That was fun listening to the authors. I know all those in that program are listeners to audio books, one of my favorite things to do.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

making a list and checking it twice

I have started a book list in Library Thing just to remember some of the authors I have reead and enjoyed. It is hard for me to remember all the good stories I have read. Some of the authors have such insight to human charateristics that i want to remember who they were. so lets see if after some time they still are memorable.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

ALA conference

I am so excited to have an opportunity to attend the ALA conference. I have been looking at all the available programs and its such a shame I only have two days to see everything. I want to visit so many of the programs. I am making a planner and want to take advantage of as much as I can. Maybe I'll forgo eating on those days!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Librarys 23 things

I started by signing up to participate in our library's 23 things. I want to be able to go on and use som of the other things online such as ficker and podcast and download some exciting things to my page. I'm not as intellectual in writing about my work as I see in other blogs but I hope to improve as time goes on.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

its near the end

i have to work on my final paper. not much is going on. It is about vitrual reference. i am looking for inofrmation on the web have not found much. to be honest , i don't know where to look. so , its time to continue looking.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Continuation of school assignment

it seems the assignment is in and we are just awaiting results. Its hard to concentrate on work and just as hard to consider the next homework assignment. So most of my time will be on thinking about what I am going to do not writing about it.

Friday, March 23, 2007

My first entry

This is my first entry into the blog world. So I hope to have some input to this new venture. I will probably start out with my new graduate school adventures.